What can one do about an appallingly bad haircut? It's going to take six months to grow out and I particularly told the hairstylists I didn't want it short. Is it possible to sue?
Bad hair cut.?
HAHA i wish i could sue for a bad haircut, but no. and i think you mean specifically, not particularly...
But anyways, on with the answer, you should just get hair extentions, but make sure you go to a different stylist. I get them when i think my hair is just too short, and its only about 200 bucks. but they last for about 4 months! Good luck with your hair!
Bad hair cut.?
Hair extensions ruin your hair and Who could possible afford $200 after a bad haircut? Report It
Bad hair cut.?
maybe ask the stylist to try to fix the cut without losing any length of your hair. Perhaps styling it different can help.
Bad hair cut.?
call the manager, arrange to go in and see them. they will be able to work on something with you thatl make it less harsh.
if manager refuses, write to them. if they dont reply, follow up with a call saying you will go to the press....
then watch as they offer to pay for extensions,
Bad hair cut.?
The cost of an attorney would not be worth it to sue. What could you have possibly paid for the haircut? The cost of a lawsuit, even assuming you win anything, is not worth it. And yes, you can sue. I went to a student salon where I had to sign an agreement not to sue if they screwed up. It would be more worth your while to go to a different salon and see what they can do about extensions.
Bad hair cut.?
If the palce that cut your hair is a chain then go back, they will usually fix your hair within a few days for no charge and with no problems at all. If you are still upset you can speak to the manager and they will gladly issue some sort of credit rather than allow you to make a big stink of it all.
If the palce is privately owned then ask to speak to the shop owner, they will usually go out of their way to make you happy.
Just remember, if you walk in there with a bad attitude you will most certainly get one back.
Bad hair cut.?
yall are crazy 200 bucks i would rather be bald for the rest of my life. look your friend will make fun of you for a week or so but trust me they will get over it. dont spend alot of money trying to fix this.
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