Friday, June 18, 2010

Why do some lesbians cut their hair really short?

Why do some so caled straight guys wear their hair like the Beatles???!!!!

Why do some lesbians cut their hair really short?

for the same reason some straight girls do and some men leave it long.

Why do some lesbians cut their hair really short?

Why do some straight women cut their hair really short.

Why do some lesbians cut their hair really short?

Same reason anyone cuts their hair really short, style and preference.

Why do some lesbians cut their hair really short?

why do u have bangs....

Why do some lesbians cut their hair really short?

Because they want to look like a guy and act like a guy they just don't want to have sex with a guy !!!!!!!

Why do some lesbians cut their hair really short?

for the same women straight women's an easy hairstyle. I see just as many straight women with short hair as well. if you really are as young as you say, then you need to learn now that you can't believe in stereotypes.

Why do some lesbians cut their hair really short?

Why do some straight girls cut their hair really short?

Why do some lesbians cut their hair really short?

My hair is very short, and I am not a lesbian. It happens to be that I prefer my hair this way. It used to be to my butt, and men LOVED it, but I HATED it. So, I do that I want and I am happy.

Why do some lesbians cut their hair really short?

The same reason some straight women do the same thing.

Why do some lesbians cut their hair really short?

not all lesbians have really short hair

Why do some lesbians cut their hair really short?

It looks fabulous when combined with flannel, denim and work boots.

Why do some lesbians cut their hair really short?

I will never understand why the short hair is referered to as a lesbian.Can't a woman have short hair if she wants too! Even though it's really pretty,my g/f has let her hair grow out because her kids didn't like her short hair,said she looked like a boy. ''Please'' you can look at her,she's ALL female and then some!

Why do some lesbians cut their hair really short?

because they want a short hair cut ? maybe moron

Why do some lesbians cut their hair really short?

I wear mine short because I like it that way. It used to be down to my waist, and was always in tangles when I was a kid. When I got old enough to wear it the way I wanted to, I cut it off! Now it's just wash-n-go! No worries about blow drying, tangles, bed hair, etc.

Why do some lesbians cut their hair really short?

I cut my hair off to donate it to the Locks of Love. Usually I have really long hair. :)

Why do some lesbians cut their hair really short?

Donated mine to Locks of Love. Short hair's easier to take care of.

Why do some lesbians cut their hair really short?

They want to be a man, since they TRY to act like one.

Why do some lesbians cut their hair really short?

they want to look like a man so normal women can come up to them.

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